Conferencia "Technology of 4D Imaging LiDAR"
Categoria: Conferencias
El día 10 de mayo de 2024, a las 10:00 AM, aprovechando la próxima celebración del Día Internacional de la Luz y dentro de las jornadas de seminarios de los másteres de "Ingeniería de Sistemas Electrónicos y Aplicaciones" y del máster en Ingeniería Fotónica se va a celebrar el seminario titulado "Technology of 4D Imaging LiDAR" que versa sobre:
"In this talk we focus on the frequency-modulated conti nuous-wave (FMCW) LiDAR which is diff erent from ti me-of-fl ying (ToF) LiDAR. Comparing to the ToF LiDAR, the FMCW LiDAR relies on coherent detecti on which means thefrequency of backscatt ered laser radiati on is detected, rather than detecti ng the intensity of backscatt ered laserradiati on like in a ToF LiDAR. Coherent detecti on off ers both interference immunity of solar and lidar-to-lidar. Thereis another advantage for FMCW LiDAR that the 3-dimensional positi on and 1 dimensional speed of a target can bemeasured simultaneously in a single measurement spot, so called it as 4D LiDAR someti mes. However, it is diffi cultto generate the light waves which can be used in FMCW LiDAR systems. The methods of generati on the lightsources used in FMCW LiDAR systems have been reviewed and our special methods are introduced"
Será impartido por la Prof. Tianxin Yang, College of Precision Instruments and Opto-electronics Engineering, Tianjin University; de la que se muestra una breve reseña curricular a continuación:
She is a full professor in the fi eld of RF< photonics. She got her Ph.D. Degree in Optoelectonics in 1996 in TianjinUniversity and her Bachelor Degree in Physics in Nankai University in 1985 in China. She has been to the Universityof Southampton in the UK for one year for study the fabricati on technique of opti cal waveguide in phosphate glassin 2004. And she also has been to MIT in the United States for one year for building multi wavelength lasers usingsemiconductor amplifi ers in 2013. Last year, she has been to London Southbank University for 6 months for doing automated lip-reading by using 4D imaging LiDAR and deep learning technique in 2023. Now she is leading agroup for doing the CW lasers for LiDAR applications.
Enlace a la presentación desde aquí.Publicado: 10-05-2024
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Autor/Coodinador: Prof. Tianxin Yang
Del 10-05-2024 al 10-05-2024
Calle Madrid 133
28903 - Madrid
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